A Christian Theology of Love and Forgiveness
In a recent front page story, the Regional Ministerial Association expressed doctrinal concerns about our New Christian Church of Full Endeavor, as compared to what is considered to be established historic Christian theology. We are delighted to respond.
Actually this exciting stir of renewed interest in the theological teachings of Jesus Christ is worldwide in Christendom as well as other religious and non-religious spiritual advocacies. It is being brought about by an increasing population who are studying and experiencing the incomparable contemporary scripture of “A Course in Miracles.”
Excerpts from this Masterful reassertion by Jesus of His most inevitable uncompromising teachings of God knowledge only through resurrected man are being sermonized from hundreds of pulpits across the country.
Christian churches around the world in a broad array of denominations, sects, and creeds are realizing in this unwavering catechism of unconditional love and forgiveness a rediscovery of their fundamental heritage.
Bible classes and study groups in these churches are experiencing the Gospel of the historic Jesus spring to a bright new life, filled with the light of new meaning, when correlated with the text of His “Course in Miracles.”
In actuality then, these New Christians, often now called Miraclists, perhaps once called heretics, are returning to the church they never really left. Since thechurch is finally only an experience of the total love of God for His creations and His creation’s love for Him.
We’re all still sitting and singing and kneeling and praying along with all the other disciples of Jesus who, having felt the self-crucifying pain, loneliness, and loss through denying His resurrection and proclamation of eternal life, now wait patiently with renewed certainty for just a moment in gracious expectation.
As we awaken from this dream of sin and death and as this transient world fades to an end in the light of eternal joy and happiness forever, we remember in this instant that we are all in fact as God created us and that we could never have really been separated from Heaven or from each other.
In answer to inquiries concerning the local church, here are the basic tenets of faith and purpose of organization of our congregation.
Among other things:
We believe in a single God who is all there is, and who creates us and everything there is, Forever, and forever perfect.
We believe in direct communication with God through the Holy Spirit by the medium of prayer without the necessity of human mediation of any kind.
We believe in the peace that passeth understanding and in experiencing it.
We believe that through our individual unqualified acceptance and practice of the singular teachings of forgiveness and love of our Savior, the resurrected man, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, that a spiritual revival of a totally unprecedented dimension is overtaking the world.
We are certain of the physical resurrection of our body by the demonstration of our Brother and friend Jesus Christ who is alive and always with us.
We believe in miracles. We believe that all things are possible through the application of the power of Love. We believe that miracles are perfectly natural through our recognition and admission that we are as God created us. And, that they are manifested by an outflowing of unconditional love that will enlighten our minds, perfectly heal our sick and dying bodies, and restore us to the Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom is a real condition of God’s whole love which, while we continually and willfully throw it away, has never really been or could be lost to us.
We do not consider ourselves to be a denomination nor are we in the least concerned about various theological doctrines or in fact any worldly religion or philosophy or temporal organizations or ways of life that are continually and have historically demonstrated and validated our apparent condition of fear, sickness, pain and death in association with the totally complete, lovingly creative beingness of single Universal Mind. We are discovering through the continuing miracle of forgiveness that each of us is a unique, individual, wholly integrated part of this Mind.
We come from all walks of life and no walk of life. We are, together, in aggregate and separately, all of the temporal, secular experiences of mankind that will ever or could ever be. We are simply humans of every description who have grown desperately sick and tired of our own fearful description of ourselves and of the world that we apparently inhabit. And in losing to the devastations of time, the things that we love and cherish. We’ve used up all of our flimsy human excuses for not being at home in Heaven with God, most emphatically including our need to suffer from cancer or any death- justifying disease in order to get there.
We have discovered that our human minds in our narrowly constructed earthly self-conceptions are themselves demonstrations of fear, and that in this condition of mind, the more we protect ourselves and defend our apparent situation, the more fearful we become. A continuing cause and effect cycle of never ending fear that is in fact what death is.
There is only one very obvious but until this place and time absolutely unacceptable solution to this increasingly intolerable problem. We are convinced that since Universal Mind is totally whole and forever creating perfectly, it cannot know of conflict or opposition. The cause, then, of our apparently separate existence in a vicious world of pain and death must be only our own conceptual self-identity. In other words, we ourselves are both the cause and effect of all of our apparent conflict. We are more and more constrained to confess that it is not God who has made Himself unknown and unavailable to us, but rather we, in our fearfully selfcentered separated human selfishness, have made ourselves unknown to God.
We are instructed by Jesus before and since His resurrection that our Kingdom is not of this world and that by not resisting evil, that is, not participating in the fearfully selfconstructed, resentful, grieving, eyefor- an-eye, attack and defense world that is our apparent inescapable conceptual reality, we will undergo an enlightening transformation of identity to a wholly new, loving and giving creative association with ourselves and the Universal Mind that is God. And through this miracle, will experience the grace and freedom that is our everpresent God-given inheritance.
This is our Course in Miracles. It is a required Course. “Behold, I show you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.” “In the twinkling of an eye.” “For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.” (I Cor 15: 51-53).
All is in readiness for this great evolutionary leap of faith. In this place and at this time, we are determined to awaken from this fearful dream of pain, loneliness, and death, and remember through our individual love and forgiveness that we are forever perfect and perfectly loving as God created us.
To the question, “Can the scripture and catechism of Christ Jesus in His Course in Miracles be incorporated into the sermon and prayer of established Christian denominations and worldwide Christianity?” The answer is a resounding, “Yes!”
Its simple message of personal salvation through the resurrection of Jesus and the practice of unconditional love and forgiveness is almost always readily acceptable.
To listen to the many inspirational prayers of communication with our Heavenly Father through faith, trust and determination that are so much a part of the Course, spoken from the pulpit, brings an experience of peace, joy and happiness and a fullness of heart that is virtually indescribable.